Resident Questions for Housing Area Panel

Reference Number: 3.3



Date question raised


Week of Area Panel


Area in city


Star rating applied by residents


Deadline for officer response

16th November2022

Name of officer responding

Justine Harris

Officer job title

Head of Tenancy Services

Resident Question

Title of Question

Anti-Social Behaviour


The Council aren’t doing enough to tackle anti-social behaviour on estates.


Residents are concerned with the Council’s lack of action when dealing with anti-social behaviour on estates. They are particularly concerned by the recent reports of anti-social behaviour in Craven Vale, and that the Council have done nothing to remove the problem tenant.

North Area residents reported ongoing issues of drug-dealing and drug-taking, and other anti-social behaviour in their areas. The following points were raised in discussion:

a)    Prospective tenants with a history of drug-taking and/or mental ill health with a risk of ASB should not be moved into blocks housing elderly and vulnerable people.

b)    Tenants with a history of drug taking and/or mental ill health should be properly supported when being housed.

c)    Problem tenants should not simply be rehoused to another area, as this does not resolve the problem – it simply shifts the problem to a different estate.

Action requested by residents:

·         Residents want to know what the Council are doing to resolve the problem of anti-social behaviour, particularly if the Police are unable to remove these individuals for reasons of mental ill-health.

Officer Response

Officer contact details:


Officer Response:

The approach the Council takes follows legislation and case law and has been prepared in consultation with the Council’s Legal team to ensure legal compliance and good practice.  


In most cases, where appropriate we will work with the perpetrator of ASB whilst supporting the victim, with the aim of preventing the situation from escalating. If this is not effective, options for enforcement action will be considered.


The Council regularly serves Closure Notices and makes the application to court for a Closure Order. The Council can apply to the courts for Criminal Behavior Orders and Civil Injunctions.


Under the current policy Housing Management do not use Community Protection Notices (CPNs). A CPN is a legal notice that can be issued against a persistent perpetrator of antisocial behaviour, failure to comply can lead to sanctions, such as a fixed penalty notice or other enforcement action.  Use of CPNs against Council tenants will be included in the draft policy which will go to Housing Committee in January 2023.


Every case referred for legal action is accompanied by a checklist which lays out detailed consideration of the equalities and proportionality issues attached to the case and the justification and necessity for legal action. We need to show the court that we have considered support needs of the perpetrator and explored options to support behaviour change.


The Local Authority and Police facilitate a monthly Joint Action Group (JAG) to assess and initiate an action plan to address emerging community safety issues. The JAG looks at geographical locations as opposed to individuals. The JAG is attended by Housing, who raise concerns regarding crime and disorder on estates at the JAG when necessary to do so.


The Local Authority also facilitates a monthly Hate and ASB Risk Assessment Conference (HASBRAC) which discusses high risk and complex ASB and Hate Incident Cases. The meeting is chaired on a rota by either a BHCC Housing Manager, a Safer Communities Manager, or a Police Inspector. Housing regularly refer cases to HASBRAC. The remit of the meetings is to ensure that there is a multi-agency action plan in place to address crime and disorder and reduce the harm to those persons impacted.


There is also the monthly Serious and Organised Crime (SOC) Cuckooing Group, jointly chaired by Safer Communities Team and Sussex Police. At this meeting, all current cuckooed properties are discussed to ensure that action is taken to disrupt the organised criminal activity and protect both the tenant and neighbours. Housing attend this meeting.






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